I am trying to ignore the siren song of potential garage sales on this fine, chilly, sunny Saturday morning. I will
not grab the pile of shiny quarters beckoning from Jeff's nightstand. I will be
content with the 50 cent spending spree at a garage sale on the way home from work yesterday. I will not
die if I don't go to a garage sale.
So, in an effort to distract myself and possible entertain you, my readers, I present my latest Goodwill find. A Reed and Barton hotel silver bowl. Reed and Barton supplied the Navy with silver serving pieces at one time and I think this may have been one of those pieces. It has USN stamped into the bottom.
Before ( I actually remembered to take a before shot!)


Someone loved this bowl and took care of it. It polished up like a dream. Too many times I've brought home something that took an hour or two of polishing to make it look half this good.
I think perhaps it will go on my dining room table. When I go grocery shopping Monday I am going to buy some apples to put in it. ( I hate Monday paydays.)
For now I am going to take a bath and then work on my problem child. My Mother gave me this silver pitcher and it is the cutest thing. It has some kind of film on it that is an absolute beoch to get off. It's getting there though.

I think the garage sales have shut up now. I don't have the money and it's more fun if I have 20 dollars to spend. If I go sure as anything I will find at least 5 things that I've been looking for and will have to leave them behind. Which is why I had to leave behind the green glass Wexford salt and pepper shakers I saw at that garage sale yesterday! Grrrrrr!